
Monday, 10 June 2019

What is gravity?
Invisible force,
Force push pull

A force is a push or pull gravity is a invisible force,that pull
things down to earth.

Isaac Newton

Without gravity
Gravity. Earth,pull,float,air,planet,
Earth pull,weight,less,both earth,very strong pull,centre the less
you weight
Stone,water,wood,gravity,air.we are made from particles  but they
are to small for us to see,pull.
Weight earth.six times less on the moon,if you went to pluto it will be
12 times.
the alternate rising and falling of the sea,a particular place, due
to the attraction of the moon and sun.

Gravity,Astronaut,space,there is no gravity out in space.

Tug of war

Tug of war
Yesterday we where playing tug of war. And the socks was slippery
because socks has less friction.

Next we have to two posing forces pulling the rope form each side.

When the forces where the same,the rope dint move because it was

We where playing girs vs boys and We had to pull the rupe when you
pull the rupe with you hand it hurt and the socks where to slippery all
the boy full because of the socks.

When you pull the rupe with your hand chng to red. and it was very hurt
it fun to play tug of war but it hurt.

Me and Damsey vs Tau’ataina and Tuamelia and we where pull the rupe
hade me and Damesy wen the game.


on friday we where lernig about gravlt with mr.viga  
Force push pull

A force is a push or pull gravity is a invisible force,that pull things down to earth.Isaac Newton